• About Us

    GrabALL Golf Products Inc. was formed in response to the need of a friend who loved golf but who could no longer play due to a back injury. This friend had mentioned that he would like to play more golf, but all that bending over hurt this back.

    Randy sat down and designed a device that would make it possible for his friend to play golf again. He succeeded in his quest, and the end result of Randy helping his life long friend to golf again, is the GraBALL JAW.

    The GrabALL JAW was designed, patented, and is manufactured by GrabALL Golf Products Inc. The happy outcome of this story beyond his friend’s ability to play golf again, is that Randy has also made golf possible again for thousands and possibly millions of people worldwide. Because of that commitment to making the best possible product for his friend, the GrabALL JAW is not just a ball pick up, like so many of the others, as it’s durable and it simplifies three essential golfing activities, and it’s built to last.