GraBall Golf Products Inc. is looking to hire Regional or National Sales Reps to handle this new and improved Golf Ball, Flag-Stick and Golf Club Pick Up.

    I received my first product in July of 2014, and received a Patent in August of 2014. In the little time that I have been in the business, I have met quite a few people who have been in the golf business for 25 – 30 years and everyone says – This is the Best Golf Ball Pick Up I have Ever Seen on the Market since it also picks up the Flag-Stick, a Golf Ball when any Extra Clubs are carried to the green by the golfer! The golfer can buy one for their Putter and also buy one or two for their favorite green-side chippers, thus increasing sales too!

    The GraBall not only picks up the flag-stick, golf clubs and the ball, but it fits securely onto every club grip, unlike some that have to fit over different size grips or has an under size screw so it pulls out of the grip.

    Once attached to the golf grip, The GraBall fits into every putter slot in any golf bag unlike a couple of other retrievers and the GraBall fingers are very sturdy, so they will NOT fold up in hot weather when sitting in the golf bag.

    The new packaging that I will be soon be getting, will look like the stand up poster shown on the right side of the picture and a similar color scheme that is at the top of this website. It will be a real eye catcher that will look impressive in any retail or pro shop store!

    I had a booth at the PGA Merchandise Show and had a tremendous response from buyers all over the world, but I still have many areas in the U.S. where I still need sales reps.

    Contact Randy at 520-450-8947 if you are interested in this ground floor opportunity to distribute this improved product.

    Any golfer with a bad back, hips or knees really appreciates the GraBall as they can now -

    Enjoy Golf MORE, with LESS Bending Over!